Monday, November 26, 2007


I CAME THIRD IN MY SOLO... LOL.... it was the first time ever that i wasnt in the bottom division (:P) and i got third... only one and a half points away from winning!! :O
so excited... hehe!!

just made my worst week better... :).



Anonymous said...

Yet more congratulations!!!

Why is this worst week?

Cali_ali said...

every thing terrible happened... lol... worst things ever.. embarrassment, family illness, friends moved on from school, lost my usb which had like... 10 assignments on it which i needed but then i found it *thank god* just things adding up.. but every thing is fine now.... because solo changed it all around....


Anonymous said...

Am v glad that things are looking up now! It did sound like a horrible week! Who was ill?? Are they better now??


Cali_ali said...

brother edward was ill.. :S.. he is fine now.. little too much to drink... i suppose you know what that is like.. hah!!

talk soon


Anonymous said...

Oh dear... did he have a 'never again' night? Uncle is the best one for those, not me! Bottoms up!


Cali_ali said...

indeed he did.. :S:S... lol
but i am sure it will be an again night.. hehe!!
