Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Scrubba dub dub three men in a tub.......

For christmas i got season 1,2 and 3 or scrubs *onli my favouritist tv show in the whole wide world* and it has taken me this long to watch them all...mind u i couldn't watch much straight afta christmas coz i was in Sydney then i couldnt watch much coz i had SOOOOO much catchin up 2 do wit every 1........So i started actually watching them when i went back to skool so it has onli realli taken me 4 weeks to watch the 3 seasons which has in total 12 discs and 68 episodes that go for half an hour each. Now that is pretty nifty!! :D I LUV DE SCRUBS!!!!

now for my birthday i will get the 4th season also.....*sigh*

One of the characters *Dr. Cox* calls JD *another character* a girls name every time they converse with each other.....*and yes this is going some where* Dr. Cox makes a big deal about not using a girls name twice on JD so i am going to watch scrubs from episode #1 in Season #1 to episode #22 in season #3 and write down every girls name that Dr. Cox calls JD and if he repeats one of them.....i will be very disappointed......but i doubt it......i will let u know how my interesting study goes!!! :D


MissLaz said...

Alison, I agree with you. I have watched 1-3 which i bought, downloaded season 4, which i have now watched, and am working on season 5. Banana hammock!

Cali_ali said...

hahahahaha yes i love scrubs...tis quite excellent!! :D