Monday, January 22, 2007


I went to see Borat in Sydney and it was hilarious......i was laughing every second......"My wife.....she die........HIGH FIVE" hehehe

i recommend to any one and i would see it one hundred more times!!!


Anonymous said...

Did Bibby take you to see Borat?! After she saw it and Eddy and I were going to see it, she told me that I must not take you as it was not 'suitable'. What a hypocrit! Maybe after several viewings she decided it was not so bad after all... which it isn't. I think Little Britain is worse and you have seen that lots of times.

BTW - who is schniss? 'Poo-adelaide' is not very mature! Back up your argument!

Big Auntie ()


Anonymous said...

blog... verry niiice... big auntie... not so much!!

Just Jokes!! Big hugs to big auntie

Cali_ali said...

schniss is my sister Bev!!!! and she did take me 2 see brat lol!! i think little britain is worse but just as funni!!!.....poo-alaide is a personal joke and you shall never recieve the full explanation!!!

Anonymous said...

Right then. Well I shall never tell YOU what splictospumatus is! Suffer in your jocks!

Big Auntie ()


Cali_ali said...

well.....if it makes any difference to you...i cant even read that word.....hehe....but still...i shall suffer in my jocks just for your amusement....!!