I saved little dogs life.. :P
She has a tenancy to eat moving things that are smaller than her.. so she was sitting there minding her own business when along came a spider and it sat down beside her. well twas about 30 cms away in her eye site... so she didnt have to turn her head... the lazy thing. but up she jumped and decided to play... trotted over to it and was about to lick it and she just hears "NOOO" (very sternly) and she jumped back, sat down and stared at me. I told her she was a very good girl.... and on closer inspection it was a white tail. and for those who dont believe that there are such a thing as white tails... here is some information for you!!
The characteristics of the white tailed spider include:
Cylindrical body
From 1cm to 2cm in length
Dirty grey to brown colour
Glossy legs
Characteristic light coloured grey or white spot at the ‘tail’
Two similar spots near the front of the body may also be present.
Bites can occur anywhere on the body, but most often on arms and legs. The symptoms of a white tailed spider bite can include:
Localised irritation, such as a stinging or burning sensation
A small lump
Localised itchiness
Discolouration of the skin
Ulceration of the bite (in some cases)
Nausea and vomiting (in some cases).
Always try to keep the spider for identification purposes if you have been bitten. First aid suggestions to treat a white tailed spider bite include:
Apply an icepack to help relieve swelling
See your doctor if the skin starts to blister or ulcerate.
thank you.. i know i am a legend.... :)