Sunday, January 28, 2007


I did a solo to Wild Wild West and i won the 3rd div...i had a new and fantastic coach and if things were back to normal i wouldn't of done as well......i had the best time i have ever had *apart from state ;) * i loved every single minute of it and i am so grateful that i can have a gr8 coach!!! thanx Mel!!! XOXO

Heres a pikki!!

Sleep Over!!

I was planning to see Borat once again and i was gonna go with Emma so she went 2 ask for the tickets seen as she was 15 and i am not but the guy at the desk had 2 see both ID's :( she returned and said wat shoudl we do.....we came up with the idea to buy tickets to something else and then go into borat.....we bought tickets 2 c Epic Movie...then once we relised that there werent any signs to say wat cinema movies were in....we worked out we didn't know where borat was we decided to pace around where the man says oh yes....Epic movie...cinema one behind me and blah blah blah...but he onli said yes cinema 12....yes cinema 4.....we tried 2 look ova his shoulder at the tickets but he hid them we were stuck.....we saw Epic movie.....:( BORING......waste of $11.20 but we had fun...listened 2 emmas Mp3 until it went flat :( threw things at people......when people sneezed...Emma yelled out BLESS YOU....*the funniest thing!!*...feet on the seats and all twas a ball!! thanx Em!!!

luv ya 4eva!! XoXoX

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The one and onli.....GGs!!!! *onli let me put pikkis of blaze... :( *

Ok...Gee gees are horses if you didnt know that!!

My sister as you would of read only has to work 3 days a she thought...hmmm what can fill in the onther days of the she went ot and bought 2 horses!!!

when i went to sydney i was rather daring for my self and decided i would ride one of them...decided i liked it....decided i would ride again....decided i didn't like it.....then decidd that i should atleast have one more try but couldn't......:-(

One of the horse's names is Blaze!! He is the one i rode and he is a very lovely boy when he is attached to a string when he is attached to a fence....other wise i am at least a metre away!!!! and he is also fairly fine to walk around (I said WALK) the arena!!

The next one that my sister bought....he is a monster and a half!!!! hehe....well to me!! his name is Chino and i guess u could say he is a black beauty!!! I wouldn't DREAM of riding him!!!

At the place where Chino is kept and Blaze is ridden is a horse (not my sisters!!). From what i have heard....nobody comes to play with him much!!!! But once i saw him.......i loved him.... His name is Calvin, he has the biggest paddok and he eats lots so he's really fat. He has the cutest legs...they are those of a Clydesdale know the ones that have the long hairs on their legs and the realli long and floppy of them!!!

Monday, January 22, 2007


I went to see Borat in Sydney and it was hilarious......i was laughing every second......"My wife.....she die........HIGH FIVE" hehehe

i recommend to any one and i would see it one hundred more times!!!

I have returned

I have returned from Australias Big City

I wanna add 2 my blog and i shall do it when all the photos are on the computer...

I will b as quick as i can!!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

whats to come

Hello readers...

At the moment i am located in Sydney...(just for a holiday) and i dont have any of the photos or things like that to add to my blog that i need... i return from sydney on the 21st of January (this Sunday =-[ ) when i do get back and have some time i will report on my 2 trips to sydney and a little more about....stuff....i am very excited to add to my blog so i am sure it will appear quickly... but for is a random picture of a

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Others in the gang!!

My Family........

A hilarious t.v show.......also my life.....

My dad works very obscure hours as a public servent in the call centre for the police
My mum works very long and tiring hours as an assistant pharmacist in a pharmacy!!!
My sister lives in Sydney and works only 3 days a week as an accountant
My sisters bf rob also lives in Sydney and works for the air force
My brother works......hey wait he doesn't......hes lazy...HI EDDY!!! hehe

I am only just old enough to work so i am going to apply for a couple of jobs around the place for little things

My dog.........My dog is the best thing that has ever ever happened to me.....She is a Labradoodle and her name is idea why here is 3 Z's...just to be different i guess.....she is so gorguz and she cheers me up always and is the best to have a cuddle with or to sit in front ofd the heater and watch t.v with...she is the most cuddly thing in the world and i luv her to pieces!!!
She has sooo many nick names such as: (and dont ask me why) Little Dog, weegwa, weega, jazzzweega, poopanae, puppy, jazzzmadoodle dog, Jazzzmadoodle pup, weeg and so many more... i luv her!!!!

My sisters dad has christened her either a barking hat.....or a rat!! she is really cute and tiny and her hair is funni because we only half shaved her!!!.....and Archer....Archer HAD a terribly life....Archer HAS the best life he could have.... my sister and her boy friend picked him out from the pound...he was timid, scared of every thing and every one had horrible memorys...but now he happily frolicks (thanx 4 the word emma!!) around the back yard with ciska and also happily frolicks (Thanx!) with horses now which is totally amazing and he has come the longest way from where he was...

This is archer (top) And ciska(bottom)...!!!

My blog name

ok..very very very limited people know wat mossa side is and know one will ever find out so dont bother asking me!!! coz i will just pass over it and say never mind and then move on...... very limited people will know........ever!!!

Welcome me to blog!!!!

hello everyone,

i have given in with my stupid website and decided that a blog spot would be so much easier to keep up...if you went to my web site frequently....(i dont think that was any one) you would of noticed that i didn't maintain it and i put some thing new on there about every six months!!! hehe

any way i hope you will all regularly check my blog spot because i am confident that this time i will keep it up...PROMISE!!!!

have fun...

Luv Ali